You wake up to find yourself chained up in an ancient mysterious castle. The memories of those that came before you are scattered about. Find the Skull to view these memories. Beware: You are not alone.
Level one includes an AI navmesh that follows the player based on game object tag "Player". This navmesh follows the player constantly at a slow moving speed which can't be stopped at any point. If the navmesh collides with the player, the scene is restarted.
Level two includes another AI navmesh that follows the player while not in view of the player camera. If the navmesh is in current sight of the player, it will stop all movement and wait until the player looks away to continue to move closer. After a short timespan, a new statue is selected which will begin to follow the player from a different position.
Chests are able to be opened in a correct order which is randomly selected at runtime. The player is able to view the chest order by looking at them in the mirror to reveal the secret number.
Upon objective completion, players are able to interact with the skull to continue on to the next level.
A simple scene transition is added to the end of each level with an audio narration which connects the story to each level.
Level one requires the player to navigate their way through a maze to find a vile full of the lost memories of the ones before you. Once the player has found the vile, they need to navigate their way to the skull to complete the level. All while attmepting to traverse through the maze there is an AI constantly chasing the player attempting to catch them.
While progressing through level one, the player will find themselves circling back around to previous areas of the maze by opening doors to new and old dead ends. The idea behind adding these doors was to create a more challenging maze where the player would have more to remember when attempting to backtrack.
Level two places the player in a large empty room surrounded by what is thought to be lifeless statues. In reality there is one statue that is following the player while they are not looking. The creature from the previous level is also constantly following the player aswell as the new creature.
The player must successfully navigate through the room and find four crystal remnants before interacting with the skull.
Level three introduces a mirror in which the player is able to see behind them at all times.
The player is introduced to the final creature which is only able to been seen in the reflection of the mirror. The previous two creatures from the levels before are also chasing the player in this final challenge.
Throughout the open room, the player will notice five chests located throughout. The player must look through the mirror at the chest to find its numerical value. The player will then need to open the chests in the correct ascending order. This requires the player to navigate throughout the room multiple times while avoiding all three creatures.
Upon completion of the final level, the player is given a final cutscene of themselves traversing through the three levels to find they were ones reliving their own memories they have been hearing.
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